Pop your subject line into the subject line tester.
Hit the button that says Show My Score. If your score is 90 or higher, you are good to go.
If your score is under 90, it means your subject line needs some tweaking. But no worries, ECC will show you exactly what words or punctuation need changing and, even better, offer suggestions on how to improve it.
Save your subject line, give it a title, attach a website to it, and assign credits to it.
Your subject line will begin to rotate on the Ad Profit page bringing you a lifetime of traffic to any site you wish.
Next, take Your high scoring subject line out for a spin on any of your favorite mailers and watch the results.
When you use ECC to check your subject lines, you can increase your open rates by as much as 40 to 45%, and that will make a huge difference in your sales.
ECC is easy breezy. It takes about 2 seconds to check your score, and With our suggestions, it will take you another few seconds to make any changes needed, so you are good to go.
Why Not Give it a Try
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Email Content Checker is designed to make you money every day.